Novotel London Blackfriars
5 Jun | 3:00 PM - 8 Jun | 11:00 AM
المدة: 2.9 ليالي

Novotel London Blackfriars

8.2 (50 مراجعات)
46 Blackfriars Road, 46
8.2 (50 مراجعات)


If you're looking for a contemporary and elegantly-designed hotel in a vibrant and easy-to-reach corner of the capital, Novotel London Blackfriars has you covered. Just a few steps to the attractions that line the Southbank, a short stroll from London's top markets, and a couple of Tube stops to the likes of St Paul's Cathedral and Tower Bridge - the best of London will be right on your doorstep. Just minutes from the City, we're as well-placed for business as we are for pleasure....

ما يقدمه هذا المكان

Disable Friendly
Fitness Facility
Aracde/Game Room
Swimming Pool
Cleaning Service

اختر غرفتك


8.2 (50 مراجعات)

أين ستكون

أشياء يجب معرفتها

  • - Guests must check-out no later than the specified check-out time to avoid additional charges.
  • - MUST be age 21 or older to book, unless hotel state differently.
  • - NO SMOKING allowed; penalties will apply according to hotel policy.
  • - Some facility fees might apply to certain hotels.
  • - Photo ID and a credit card will be required at check-in.
  • - Some hotels might require a credit card "hold" for incidentals during the check-in
المدة: 2.9 ليالي
Check-in date & time - Check-out date & time
Novotel London Blackfriars 46 Blackfriars Road, 46